User talk:Haruo

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Question about wiki headings


I've noticed that people on Wikipedia tend to format their headings differently than I've been doing. Is their way standard, or is it just how Wikipedia likes it done? I've been treating headings like titles, capitalizing every word, except prepositions and conjunctions that aren't at the beginning or end of the title, and such. Veramet 14:30, 2 August 2007 (MDT)

There's no unanimity on the subject. I have been following your lead as best I could divine it. I believe the tendency in American Library Science usage is moving in the direction of less capitalization. So the way HymnWiki looks at the moment is a bit old-fashioned, but not "wrong". And the way Wikipedia does it (which they have fairly strict rules about) looks more modern, but not uniquely "right". I am not familiar with the site's search function's treatment of capitalization. I think it's important that if a person puts "Be thou my vision" in the Search box the program find "Be Thou My Vision" for them. (Or vice versa if the convention adopted here were the other way around.) At the moment that is not the way it's set up: the Search function treats those as two completely distinct pages. In other words, I think this software should be configured to follow the same basic rules that Google follows, since that's the kind of searching people are most used to. Although I'm a fairly active Wikipedian, I have never concerned myself with the details of the conventions in this area, at least not in the English Wikipedia. --Haruo 17:14, 2 August 2007 (MDT)
Thanks for the information. I was worried there for a while. Searches are currently not sensitive to case. I almost wish nothing was sensitive to case on HymnWiki, but then that might cause some problems (probably not nearly as many as it would solve, though). Do you know of any good reason why articles should be case sensitive? Veramet 18:06, 2 August 2007 (MDT)
Having considered it overnight, my answer is, No. Seems to me case sensitivity in general is more of a problem than a help. It should not be possible to have separate articles entitled "Be thou my vision", "Be Thou my vision", and "Be Thou My Vision". Any one of those should lead directly to one article. But at the moment, it's not that way, and I'm not sure if it can easily be made to be that way. --Haruo 23:24, 3 August 2007 (MDT)