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Subtitled Cheyenne Spiritual Songs, Tsese-Ma'heone-Nemeotỏtse is the most widely used Cheyenne-language hymnal of the present day. Published in 1982 by the Mennonite Indian Leaders Council in Busby, Montana, this hymnal is used by Cheyenne-language congregations of various denominations in both Montana and Oklahoma. The book contains 161 hymns (with music) in Cheyenne, a 47-page "Handbook to the Hymns" (comprising 32 pages of "Notes on words and Music to the Hymns" plus two essays, "A Brief History of the Cheyenne Hymns" and "Transcription of Plains Indian Hymn Melodies"), three indexes (sources, topics, and titles/first lines), and an appendix containing 12 "Singable English Translations" intended to encourage bilingual worship.

Note: the diacritical mark in the title, over the last "o", is incorrect. It is supposed to be a dot, but I can't find that font to paste, so I used a Vietnamese font that has a little glottal-stop-looking squiggle above the o. If you, dear reader, happen to have the appropriate dotted o available, please edit this article!