The Cyber Hymnal™

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The Cyber Hymnal™ ( is one of the old­est & larg­est on­line hymn sites in ex­ist­ence. As of March 15, 2009, it has over 7,400 hymns & Gos­pel songs, most ac­com­pa­nied by MIDI files, Note­Wor­thy Composer™ score files, and bi­o­graph­ic­al in­for­ma­tion about po­ets & com­pos­ers. The bulk of the con­tents are in public domain, though some pag­es are un­der co­py­right (these are clear­ly marked as such). Most lyr­ics are in Eng­lish, though there are en­tries from doz­ens of other lang­uag­es as well.

External links