HymnWiki:Helps for Members of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints
From HymnWiki
Revision as of 20:02, 10 May 2019 by Veramet (talk | contribs) (Veramet moved page HymnWiki:Latter-day Saint Helps to HymnWiki:Helps for Members of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints)
Q: Is HymnWiki a church site?
- A: HymnWiki is not an official church site. It is designed to be Latter-day Saint friendly. It is not only for LDS users. It is hosted by the More Good Foundation, and therefore is devoted to promoting positive LDS content on the Internet. It is, however, here for hymns of all faiths. Pages should reflect views generally (LDS-specific information should go under its own heading).
Q: Are hymns from HymnWiki suitable for congregational use in the LDS church?
- Not really. Only hymns from the current LDS hymnal are acceptable for congregational use in church meetings (such as sacrament meeting or stake conference).
Q: Are all hymns on HymnWiki suitable for use in musical numbers in sacrament meeting?
- A: See the church's policy on musical numbers, from LDS.org. Although many hymns here may be suitable for musical numbers in sacrament meeting (including some published in non-LDS hymnals), some of them are not. Review them carefully—even the ones that are in our current hymnal. Lyrics may differ on the older publications of hymns listed here.
Q: Are hymns on HymnWiki suitable for choirs in the LDS church?
- A: the church's policy on musical numbers for sacrament meeting, from LDS.org. Although many hymns here may be suitable for choir numbers (including some published in non-LDS hymnals), some of them are not. Review them carefully. Since HymnWiki focuses on material that is legal to post online, the renditions of the songs may differ from the ones you are familiar with (including the lyrics).
Tips for choirs and musical numbers
- Try switching tunes. Use the Poetic Meters category on the sidebar.
- See the Sheet Music section, as well as Public Domain PDF Sheet Music. Each article therein contains sheet music. See the copyright information on each article.
- See Topics and Scriptures on the sidebar. They may help in finding a song for your purpose.
- When examining a new hymn article, take a look at the categories listed on the bottom of the page.
- Contributor note: If you desire help engraving sheet music for your special choir arrangement (dynamics, transposition, lyric changes and all), ask me on the forum and I may be able to help. Veramet 17:59, 14 October 2011 (MDT)