Daniel's Wisdom May I Know

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Lyrics from A Collection of Sacred Hymns for the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints in Europe, 1840

Hymn 248
7 7 7 7 7 7
1. Daniel's wisdom may I know;
Stephen's faith and patience show;
John's divine compassion feel;
Moses' meekness; Joshua's zeal;
Run like the unwearied Paul,
Win the prize, and conquer all.

2. Mary's love may I possess;
Lydia's tender-heartedness;
Peter's ardent spirit feel;
James' faith by works reveal;
Like young Timothy, may I
Every sinful passion fly.

3. Jon's submission let me show;
David's true devotion know;
Samuel's call O may I hear;
Lazarus' happy portion share;
Let Isaiah's hallowed fire
All my new-born soul inspire.

4. Mine be Jacob's wrestling prayer;
Gideon's valiant stedfast care;
Joseph's purity impart;
Isaac's meditative heart;
Abraham's friendship - let me prove
Faithful to the God of love.

5. Most of all, may I pursue
That example Jesus drew;
In my life and conduct show
How he lived and walked below;
Day by day, through grace bestowed,
Imitate my dearest Lord.

6. Then shall I these worthies meet,
With them bow at Jesus' feet,
With them praise the God of love,
With them share the joys above,
With them range the blissful shore,
Meet them all to part no more.