From HymnWiki
Sponsor of HymnWiki
- The Hymn Society in the United States and Canada
- The Cyber Hymnal
- The Oremus Hymnal
- Christian Classics Ethereal Library
- ShapeNote.net (Sacred Harp.mus)
- The Mudcat Cafe (this isn't strictly hymns, but it includes some)
- The Hymn Tune Index
- Liahona.net (free MP3s—this is largely LDS-themed, though it has plans to expand more than it has so far)
- The Lost Hymns Project (this is an LDS-themed site)
Sheet Music
Online Depositories of Sheet Music
- The Hymns and Carols of Christmas
- LDS Church Music
- The Choral Public Domain Library (ChoralWiki)
- The International Score Library Project
Latter-day Saint (Mormon) Sheet Music
- http://www.aaronwaite.com/
- http://www.aclandmusic.com/
- http://www.choirworks.com/
- http://www.completelee.com/MarikaLeesMusicCatalog.htm
- http://www.defordmusic.com/
- http://www.geocities.com/childofschoenberg/
- http://www.hawsedc.com/tom/bomhymns.htm
- http://www.irvnelsonmusic.com/
- http://www.kendraburton.com/kendra%20burton%20music.htm
- http://www.kerbymusic.org/
- http://www.lisapowellmusic.com/
- http://www.lylehadlockmusic.com/
- http://www.musicbyandrew.ca/
- http://www.petriefamily.org/ldsmusic/
- http://www.roxannaglass.com/roxmusic.html
- http://www.sibeliusmusic.com/cgi-bin/user_page.pl?url=michelledeppe
- http://www.tetonmusic.com/ldscatalog.htm
- http://www.wardchoir.com/
Sheet Music Notation Software
- LilyPond
- SciTE (a great text editor for LilyPond and such)
- ABCedit
- ABC Plus project
Audio Software
- vanBasco's Karaoke Player (one of the best free midi/karaoke players available)
- Anvil Studio (Midi editing software)
- Noteworthy Player (for playing NWC files and midis—you can see the midi sheet music as it plays)
- Noteworthy Composer Browser Plug-in (for NWC files; this also shows the sheet music, and you can even print it; doesn't work with midis)
- SynthFont (software for using SoundFonts with midis and converting them to MP3, WAV, OGG, FLAC, and such)
- HammerSound.net (a site full of SoundFonts)
- Audacity (sound editing software; for editing compressed audio, WAVs and such)
See Help.